Our Leadership Team

Leadership Team

CA Nitin Setia,


Nitin Setia,
Chartered Accountant

CA Nitin Setia is a qualified Chartered Accountant having more than 17 years of experience in the field of Auditing, Taxation, Commercial Laws and Various Statutory Compliances. He holds Bachelors of Commerce from Punjab University (May 1998). He has been involved in various assignments such as:

  • Preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS (specifically focusing on first time disclosure requirements as per AASB 7,132 & 139) along-with related schedules.
  • Preparing full set of financial statements in accordance with AIFRS along-with Income Tax Returns along-with working papers for the auditors
  • Preparing full set of financial statements in accordance with AIFRS and government notifications using PWC - EWP software.
  • To develop clear cut phase-wise audit plans and associated timelines, resource requirements, the estimated costs and client specific requirements. The entire process includes, obtaining appropriate knowledge about client's business and industry, the government regulations affecting client and the identification of client related special audit procedures to verify the fairness of the clients' financial statements.
  • Discussing audit issues with client's personal emphasizing all the pros and cons of the given/ proposed treatment of transactions in line with the GAAPs and identifying the adjustments required in clients' accounting records.
  • Drafting audit reports, client's financial statements and income tax returns with related schedules and ensuring their adherence to the requirements of the regulatory bodies like, Securities and Exchange Board, Department of Company Affairs, Reserve Bank of India etc.
  • Independent responsibility for ensuring delivery of quality services with-in agreed time-lines, mid assignment reviews and guidance, audit closure, report finalisation and delivering presentations to the management/audit-committees at regular intervals.
  • Internal Audits with regard to the validation of operational and business processes covering entire business functions/ processes.
  • Critical analysis of business processes; Identifying, assessing and rating the associated process risks and ascertaining the adequacy of the embedded preventive/ detective, automated/ manual controls and suggesting appropriate corrective action to mitigate the residual risks.
  • Comprehensive review of the cost of various operations, with special emphasis on time and cost overruns, review of the adequacy, accuracy and effectiveness of the budgetary control system and management information system.
  • Assisting clients in achieving SOX compliance by mapping and documenting their internal processes and helping them in deterring the effect of loopholes and misrepresentations which can threaten the compliance.
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